Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Indian Yellow Chickpeas, pumkin dhal and marwadi bhatie

We made pumpkin dhal, chickpeas and marwadi bhaties. The bhaties are little bread rolls, without egg, soda, baking powder or yeast, that we bake in the owen. 
If we want to warm it up later, we just sprinkle olive oil on them in a regular dish, and put it on the stove. This makes it delicious crispy. My kids just love it. So as I.

 All pH tests were in the wonderful dark pink- turquoise area at the end of the dinner. In digits: pH 7.4-8!!!
Chickpeas brings cholesterol down, so it's very beneficial in many conditions.
In the bhatie's we always put ajowan. You can read about its healing properties in an earlier article.
I'm sending the recipes in the coming 2 days.

Sunday, October 20, 2013

AvivaOvu Exercises to Stimulate Progesterone that results in better ovulation

Do you want to have a baby? Or you just want to slow down aging and stimulate your progesterone production? Progesterone helps preventing breast cysts, ovarian cysts and uteral fibroids. We can stimulate our progesterone production in natural ways with certain ingredients in the meals or with exercises.

Aviva Gabriella Steiner found a series of movements that is efficiently stimulating our progesterone and ovulation. It's called the AvivaOvu Steps.

For many women, who for seemingly unknown reasons were unable to conceive, exercises of the Aviva Method played a very important and positive role in reaching this dream.

In my groups this set of exercises seems to be incredibly efficient. Currently 4 of my girls are pregnant, and for 2 of them these exercises made the difference after practicing the Aviva Basic steps for couple of months. Aviva always said that with the AvivaBasics you can optimize your hormone levels, energize your system. You need to start with the Aviva Basics - you practice those steps twice a week, and after about half year you can add the AvivaOvu exercise set. They are really strong. If I just show them while teaching I can feel my ovaries.

They not only stimulate circulation  in and around the organs of the lower abdomen, but they twist, fold and pull the Fallopian Tubes and the entire surrounding area. We feel more heat when practicing them, and a sense of static accumulation around the reproductive organs. It's very important to maintain this heat and energy that we have accumulated by drinking hot tea afterwards for instance.

HORMONE WORKSHOPS are held once a month in Tervuren / Belgium and several times in NewYor in the course of August. Timetable see here.
Practice Classes are help in the Eu Commission Brussels, Eu Committee Brussels, Vossem, Yoga House Tervuren. Time Table see here.

The training doesn't have to sit in the middle of your cycle.
The practice the other hand you should plan for 2-3 days prior to the wished ovulation.

About a year ago we stimulated ovulation outside of the cycle for one of the girls, who two days later experienced an exceptional ovulation when the conception did happen THEN! Today a wonderful baby girl is keeping the happy mom busy.

Saturday, October 19, 2013


Sphincters are a system of muscles that is the source of life's fundamental processes, these are the ring muscles or the sphincters. There are ring muscles in various parts of the body, both internally and externally. It's their coordinated and harmonious contraction and relaxation that initiates breathing, digestion,circulations, elimination, and all muscular motion. there is nothing in human body that is not affected by the ring muscles.

This technique I learned from Peter Gadish, who teaches most of all actors in Barcelona in order to produce better quality of voice. For the same purpose he himself had to practice only eye exercises for one year at the Theater Department of Tel Aviv Usniversity of Arts. Today Peter's most prominent actress student is Maria Stoyanova, who uses the technique in her every day life.

Professor Y. Goldhammer M.D., Head of the Department of Neurology in the Israeli Tel Hashomer Hospital says about the ring muscles techniques in the book "Secret Of The Ring Muscles  / Healing Yourself through Sphincter Exercises" by Paula Garbourg that
"Activation of the sphincters -the muscles surrounding the various orifices of the human body- is based on the observation of Mrs. Paula Garbourg, that all the sphincters work in unison. The activity of one muscle is likely to affect the activity of another muscle, even one located some distance away. Relying on this principle, it is possible, by performing systematic exercises, to strengthen weak muscles and, for example, to correct irregularities of posture. To bring this point home, let us take the example of a woman of about forty, suffering from the fairly common combination of low back pain, headache, sinusitis, blocked nasal passages, constipation, hemorrhoids, varicose veins, a prolapsed uterus, impaired bladder control, insomnia, irritability, and depression. Her doctor is likely to prescribe some form of medication, or to send her to one or more of the following: an orthopedic surgeon; a neurologist; an ear, nose and throat specialist; a general surgeon; a gynecologist; a urologist; or psychiatrist. Each of these will likely suggest medication and/or surgery. Yet based on my experience, it is responsible to assume that, despite protracted and diverse treatments, there will be no marked improvement in the unfortunate woman's condition. Her numerous and various affliction may well stem from a slackness of the muscles of the back and the pelvic floor. Strengthening these muscles, giving up high-healed shoes, and acquiring correct habits of posture (standing, walking, and so on) may well cure her completely, proving once again the old saying, mens sana in copore sano (a sound mind in a sound body)
Paula Garbourg's sphincter gymnastics have numerous times succeeded where a variety of medical treatments have failed. "

As a result of illness, Paula Garbourg  became very restricted in movements at the age of thirty-five. One day, a doctor told her that she would need a wheelchair. She couldn't accept it. She found it contrary to her nature. Long time back, when she was young she studied singing. She noticed then if she sang standing tiptoe her breathing became stronger and surer. When she heard the shocking news about the wheelchair, she remembered what had happened when she sang standing tiptoe. She contracted the wear sphincters that shaped the sphincters in her throat in a way that she could actually create a nicer voice. She began practicing movements that she had not performed before. She kept practicing and soon she was able to walk again.

Let's see an example, one from the easier and more rewarding exercises. People tend to respond rather rapidly to the "OOO-EEE" exercise, when we relax and contract the lips.
It acts beneficially on all the sphincters of the face, on the lower sphincters, and on the feet, the hands, and the whole body.

This is a clear-cut opening and closing exercise that consists of shifting the mouth extreme contraction to extreme expansion. It has a strong normalizing effect on all the sphincters, and works the back and abdominal muscles alternately.

To perform the exercises, enunciate the sounds "oooo" and "eeee" alternately. Contract the lips as strongly as possible while saying the "ooo", and expand the mouth as much as possible while saying the "eee".  Don't keep doing until fatigue, but up to three to five minutes. 
First do it while lying down, later you can try standing.
This exercise releases many tensions, and doing so it affects stability and balance.

You can learn more on the HORMONE WORKSHOPS in Tervuren/Belgium once a month or several times in NEw YORK in the course of August, as well as on the Endo-Gym classes in Brussel.

Friday, October 18, 2013

Fibroids from a natural approach

“We should not start treating the diseases, but should focus on lifestyle management. If we fix the problems of our lifestyle, diseases will disappear by themself”  (Are Wearald)

With other words a disease can be cured if we know what caused it, if we know the source.  Then the only thing we need to do is to eliminate the source and the disease will disappear.
The medical doctor Hanish, the founder of the Mazdaznan movement, says that the uterus has three tasks:
1. With the help of the luteinizing hormone every month the uterus revitalizes the female body.
2. With the menstruation the uterus detoxifies the female body
3. Reproduction

Throughout the phylogeny the uterus developed to serve all these three functions. This requires plenty of blood supply!!! If this blood supply is blocked because of any reason, we transfer our uterus to a soil of diseases.

FIBROID – if fibroid is diagnosed Aviva exercises are not recommended during the period! Further during the period it’s not recommended to eat garlic or any other meal that results in increased blood flow in the lower abdomen such as cinnamon, eggs, etc)
During pregnancy the fibroid is growing together with the fetus, so it’s crucial to cure the fibroid first and then conceive. It may press the fetus or grow to a size that the uterus has to be removed eventually.
Reasons of fibroid:
1. Sleeping on the belly or on the sides.  Doing so the intestines with all their content press the uterus and this way they create a block for free blood fl ow.
Dr Hanish says that bowel, urine, sweat, acne are all products of detoxification.  Whenever the body can’t flush some toxic content out of our system, it will store them in a place that is found to be a “trash can”. “Trash can” can be any part of the body that is not 100% healthy. It can be a strained lumbar section, an inflamed ovary, or a uterus with insufficient blood supply.
2. Constipation , similar explanation as above, taking into consideration that sitting the whole day with curved back, the intestines with all their content press the uterus whole day long.
3. Sudden end of a harmonious sexual life or when the woman can’t enjoy sexual intercourse for long period of time.
4. Unhealthy diet that results in putrefaction and fermentation in the intestines.  The toxins of the gases get released by these processes and they impair the organs in the lower abdomen. 

In our Aviva practice we have plenty of examples of women, who managed to avoid surgical removal of fibroids by exercising the Aviva Basics 18 steps.
One lady for instance got so scared from the surgery and she had such a short time till the planned operation, that -from her own decision- she did the 18steps as many times as she could in a DAY. Her recovery was the most incredible in my experience. But I know others, who slowly diminished the fibroids with  following all above advices and practicing the 18steps twice a week only. 

It's all in your hands!!!